
ジャスティン・ティンバーレイクさんが全米の南軍記念碑を撤去すべきとSNSに投稿した/Kevin Winter/Getty Images North America/Getty Images for iHeartMedia

2020.07.08 Wed posted at 15:50 JST

(CNN) 米歌手で南部テネシー州出身のジャスティン・ティンバーレイクさんはSNSへの投稿で、全米にある南軍記念碑は撤去すべきだとの考えを明らかにした。米国では芸能界からも南軍に関連した記念碑や像の撤去を求める声が上がっている。




...a state that happens to be the home of many many confederate monuments. I’ve been listening closely to the ongoing debates about what to do with these statues — and I really want to take a minute to talk about this. ⠀ ⠀ When we protest racism in America, people think we are protesting America itself. Why is that the reaction? Because America was built by men who believed in and benefitted from racism. Plain and simple. ⠀ ⠀ This is when you hear “But that’s all in the past”. So let’s be clear... those men who proudly owned and abused Black people are STILL celebrated all over the country. ⠀ ⠀ There are roughly 1,848 confederate statues of in the US. More than half are in The South, and it’s not acceptable. No one should be protecting the legacies of confederate leaders and slave owners. ⠀ If we plan to move forward, these monuments must come down. But let’s remember: Removing these statues does not erase our country’s vile history of oppression — removing them is a symbol of respect for Black people in America and it’s a step towards progress and actual equality for all. ⠀ ⠀ This video is by @aclu_nationwide, which has been fighting hard to remove these statues across the country. Their Legal Director #JeffreyRobinson has been speaking on this issue for years (you can find more in the link in my bio). Please follow them and learn more about the history of the monuments in your own states and counties.

Justin Timberlake(@justintimberlake)がシェアした投稿 -


