激流に飲まれたハイカー、非番の警官が救出 米
(CNN) 米カリフォルニア州でこのほど、激流に飲まれて身動きの取れなくなったハイカーをその場に居合わせた非番の警官がとっさの判断で救出する出来事があった。
While hiking at Angel Falls near Bass Lake in Madera County, with his family, off-duty CHP Officer Brent Donley (wearing the ball-cap) was alerted to a victim who was struggling to keep above water, stuck in the cold and fast moving water. Thinking quick, he utilized his Adidas backpack’s para cord style strap, cut it out and tied it together with a small branch to allow the victim something to grab. With the assistance of other hikers, Officer Donley pulled the man to safety and assisted him for until help from the Madera County Sheriff’s Office arrived. Officer Donley’s quick thinking and training in search and rescue, undoubtedly helped to save the man’s life. @californiahighwaypatrol @chp_centraldivision @abc30_actionnews @kmphfox26 @ksee24 @cbs47fresno @univisionfresno @thefresnobee @maderasheriff @adidas @adidas_hiking
CHP – Fresnoさんの投稿 2020年5月9日土曜日