絶滅危惧種のクロサイ、クリスマスイブに赤ちゃん誕生 米動物園

米ミシガン州の動物園で、絶滅危惧種に指定されているクロサイの赤ちゃんが誕生した/Potter Park Zoo

2019.12.25 Wed posted at 12:15 JST

(CNN) 米ミシガン州の動物園でクリスマスイブの24日、絶滅の危機に瀕(ひん)しているクロサイの赤ちゃんが誕生した。







Critically Endangered Black Rhino Calf Born at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, MI

For the first time in our 100 year history, a black rhino calf has been born at Potter Park Zoo! Doppsee gave birth at 5:40 a.m. this morning (December 24). Animal care and veterinary staff are happy to report that the calf stood up about an hour and a half after birth and appears to be nursing well. Doppsee and her son (it's a boy!) are bonding behind the scenes in the rhino barn at Potter Park Zoo and will not be visible to the public until weather allows in the spring of 2020. There are just over 50 black rhinos in the care of AZA-accredited zoos. On average less than two black rhino calves are born in human care each year, making every calf born vital to this critically endangered population.

Potter Park Zooさんの投稿 2019年12月24日火曜日

